
Gilles :
“Une expérience de coaching à faire absolument:
J’ai participé récemment à une séance d’équi-coaching aux Loges en Josas (78) qui permet de prendre conscience de notre comportement managérial grâce au retour d’expérience communiqué en live par… un cheval!
Des professionnels analysent ensuite avec nous ce qui s’est passé pendant l’expérience d’équi-coaching et nous montrent des points d’amélioration possibles de notre comportement.
Une expérience étonnante et très enrichissante. Vous pouvez contacter Heike Weiss pour en savoir plus et réserver une séance.”
The coaching that you did was very impactful. I gave directions to the horse in a relational context and you helped me make sense of the experience, giving precious feedback about how I am able to put in place performance conditions. It imprinted my bodily memory with sensations that I am now able to replicate in my professional life!”
“What makes the difference between a good and a great coach is the ability to listen carefully and raise the relevant questions at the right time to bring the coachee to a higher level. Heike has this talent. Combined with her strong experience in management roles and leadership in changing business environments, Heike will blow you away as she will help you successfully reach your goals. I had the chance and pleasure to run a coaching program with Heike, I am strongly recommending her to you.!”